Is your recertification audit due this year?

Hemi Morete • 9 August 2023

A few operators have asked why we’re reminding them that their recertification audits are due several months before the due date. The short answer is to reduce stress at the last minute.

Below is a simple list of the steps to have your recertification completed and, more importantly, your WorkSafe registration updated.

First, what’s the difference between certification and registration?

Certification comes from us, your certification body. We can issue a certificate once we’ve completed a certification audit. The certificate and audit reports then go to WorkSafe, who review that documentation and, if satisfied, register you as an Adventure Activity Operator. The legal requirement is registration so, if you registration is not current, you could be in breach of the Health and Safety at Work (Adventure Activities) Regulations 2016. 

Recertification steps:

  • Get a reminder email from us, nice and early to prevent last minute stress that there won’t be time to get it all done.
  • Complete an Operator Profile Form and return it to us.
  • We send you a cost estimate and contract, which you review and, if satisfied, sign and return to us.
  • Then we can appoint your auditor, who will send you a document review checklist.
  • You complete this (at your leisure because we’re nice and early) and return it to us, along with any supporting evidence.
  • While we’re reviewing the documentation, we should plan for your onsite audit so that we can keep travel expenses to a minimum. Last minute plans mean last minute prices.
  • We come onsite to observe your activities, chat to staff, and go through anything we couldn’t ascertain from the initial document review.
  • We’ll always have a closing meeting after the onsite so that you know what the contents of the report will be, including any areas that might need to be worked on. Because we’re planning ahead, you may have time to address any nonconformities before the final report, keeping thins tidier.
  • The final report is then drafted and sent to the audit manager for review and then a certification decision is made and your new certificate issued (this can take up to 5 working days). Once approved, it is then sent to you, and on to WorkSafe.
  • WorkSafe then review the final report and audit documents before making a registration decision. This can more time (up to 20 working days). 
  • Your registration is then updated.

The New Zealand Adventure Activities Certification Scheme 2023 says that “Recertification audits can occur up to three months before the operator’s certification is due to expire.” so, if you’re keen to get your recertification audit done, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll make a plan that works for you and fits within the rules we’re subject to.

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