11 May 2021

​Since the implementation of the Adventure Activity Regulation scheme, has been the one-stop-shop for outdoor/adventure tools, templates and good practice documents. Recreation Aotearoa and Tourism Industry Aotearoa have partnered to represent the interests of the Adventure Activity sector. RA and TIA have jointly provided the SupportAdventure website, published the SupportAdventure newsletter and led the development of the first Activity Safety Guidelines. 

Both these organisations rely heavily on membership for funding and, since COVID hit our industry, these memberships are more important than ever. It's easy to say that without clients the first cost saving measure can be to drop an affiliation or membership but bear in mind that these organisations continue to work hard on all of our behalf. It's a "help us to help you" situation.

The Whakaari/White Island disaster has resulted in numerous investigations, reviews, and enquiries by various government departments. These include Coronial investigations, WorkSafe NZ’s 13 prosecutions, the Department of Internal Affairs' consideration of access to Whakaari/White Island, and Department of Conservation visitor risk management. 

Currently a targeted review by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) of the adventure activities regime is underway and representatives from these groups are involved and continue to provide perspectives to WorkSafe, MBIE and other government entities. As auditors who need to remain impartial, we have been specifically excluded.

If you want to have an opportunity to influence changes to the Adventure Activities regulatory regime, membership through these advocacy groups may be the best way to have your voice heard.

More about the review can be found on the MBIE website.

You can watch a webinar from Recreation Aotearoa on the review here.

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